ISO 50001:2011

Energy Management System

ISO 50001:2011 stands for Energy Management System. It provides the organisation the requirements of energy management system (EnMS). It is beneficial for all types of organisation whether it is small or large scale organisation, public and private sectors, in manufacturing and services, in all regions of the world.

ISO 50001 provides the important information to manage energy for all types of organisation by establishing the framework. These organisations include industrial plants; commercial, institutional, and governmental facilities. Up to 60 % of the world’s energy use is influences by this standard in estimation.

Importance of Standard ISO 50001

For all types of organisations, whatever their activities and operations, one of the major cost for them is Energy. From hear an idea is come by considering the use of energy in proper way through the supply chain of a business, from raw materials through to recycling.

The use of energy in an organisation also results in environmental and societal costs by depleting resources and contributing to problems such as climate change.

Renewable sources and new energy source development and deployment also take some time.

The impact of energy prices, global economy and Govt. policies cannot be controlled by the individual organisation, but they can improve their process to reduce the consumption of energy. Organisation achieved maximum profit and benefits by reducing the energy cost and consumption by maximizing the use of its energy sources by improving the energy-related assets. It will also helps in improving the global warming situation by less depletion of energy resources.

ISO 50001 is based on the management system model that is already understood and implemented by organizations worldwide. By supporting the improved energy technologies for longer time, the organisations can make a huge difference in their benefits in a positive way.


ISO 50001 — Why?

ISO 50001 provides management strategies to private and public sector organisations and helps them in increasing their energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and improve energy performance.

The standard is drafted in such a way that it will provide a recognized frame-work to the organisation for integrating energy performance into their management practices.

Multinational organizations will identify and implementing energy improvements by access to a single, harmonized stand- for implementation across the organization with a logical and consistent methodology.


The standard is design to achieve the following:


  • It helps organizations to use their existing energy-consuming assets in better way

  • It helps the management of energy resources to create transparency and facilitate communication

  • It helps the organisation in promoting best practices in energy management and reinforces good energy management behaviors

  • It helps the organisation in evaluating their present facilities and implementation of new energy-efficient technologies

  • It helps the organisation by providing a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain

  • It helps the organisation in reduction of greenhouse gas emission reduction projects by providing aid in energy management improvements

  • It helps the organisation in integration with other organizational management systems such as environmental, and health and safety.

ISO 50001 — Benefits

ISO 50001 is designed for implementation by any organization, like all ISO management system standards, whatever its size or activities, whether in public or private sectors, regardless of its geographical location.

ISO 50001 focus for improving energy performance. It does not fix targets for improving energy performance. The setting of target for improving energy performance is up to the user organization, or to regulatory authorities. This means than any organization, regardless of its current mastery of energy management, can implement ISO 50001 to establish a baseline and then improve on this at a rhythm appropriate to its context and capacities.


ISO 50001 — To certify or not?

ISO 50001 can be implemented by the organisation solely for their internal and external benefits. Certification by an independent auditor of conformity of the user’s energy management system to ISO 50001 is not a requirement of the standard itself. To certify or not is a decision to be taken by the ISO 50001 user, unless imposed by regulation.

Alternatives to independent (third party) certification are to invite the organization’s customers to verify its implementation of ISO 50001 in conformity with the standard (second party verification), or to self-declare its conformity.